Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I love people that can't spell... It helps get their point across

I think everyone can agree with this...

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Death of the Death Penalty.. Well at least for children

Link is a .PDF
I find it odd that people still think that we should still kill those who we think have killed someone else. The problem I have with this is, every so often we all see people that have been wrongfully accused of murder. I don't think that we will always be right on who we convict of these crimes. I guess it is a start that the Supreme Courts in the states has ruled against juvenile death penalty. In the last fifteen years the U.S. has executed more young offenders then the rest of the world combined. Also with this ruling there are seventy children that will be let off of death row. Well now as they have started to save the lives of anyone 17 and under from the death penalty. That is a start, now all I can hope is that I keeps going. Don't kill any one, Just because you think or believe, doesn't mean that it is true, and how can you say sorry or make amends to someone dead. I'm sure that we could find another way to rehabilitate or just have them contribute to the world we are all in We need to stop killing people and try helping them or at least, allow people to live and make them pay for their crimes with time, so if it was the wrong person you can try to make it up to the person, not just tell their family that they died because some one was wrong.... Any thoughts... Use the comments...

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Heres to a good Idea

What can you say... Some of our finest have been lost

I went for supper today, and while I was there I began a conversation with on of the waitresses. As we talked, I found out that she was good friends of Brock Myrol. She informed me that he had only started with the RCMP only two weeks ago. What she had to say, was every heart felt, I wish that some on else could have heard it.... I felt a my heart get heavy. Now looking at the Globe And Mail Seeing the four Men that lost their lives over something like drugs and some car parts. I don't know what makes people do the things that they do... We are supposed to have the worlds best police force, and I believe that I just wish that others would have the same respect for them as I do.

All my sympathy to those family's of the officers that lost their lives

Bush's U.S. fighting the good fight.... People should learn where to spend their energy helping what needs fixing

Why are people so closed minded....
I saw these two articles in the Globe over the last few days, they got me thinking.
Bush's United States is so interested in instilling its views on others that it will not sign something that would be good for the people of the world, even though it may include something that that they don't like.
I saw this one, So would you think that if evveyone would just stop fighting over the little Abortion rights, that we could use our energy to help stop rape and abuse like this....

Click title for secound link

How is it that everytime that I hear about things like this it pisses me off....
Well here is the start at this Bloggin thing
What do you think...

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